You Can Afford to Travel. Here’s How.

You’re scrolling through travel posts and websites, all of these beautiful & exotic places….and you’re thinking where will I find the money?

I’ve been jetting around solo for years, so how have I been able to find the money to travel? It’s called a Lifestyle Spending Plan (“LSP”). But, it’s oh, so much more than JUST a plan – notice I didn’t say budget – nobody likes a budget. The LSP is a blueprint for all of your income, expenses and financial goals. it helps establish accounts that you build monthly to pay for your needs and wants (including a travel account).

1. Income

Your income should cover all of your expenses PLUS leave a surplus for your emergency fund, savings, retirement and a sinking fund. (A sinking fund is where you accumulate money for future expected expenses).

If there’s a shortfall, you’ll need to find a way to increase your income – maybe it’s time to ask for that raise or find a side hustle.

women budget solo travel
Women Solo Travel

2. Expenses

This alone can have a major impact on your finances. Not going to brag (well, maybe a bit) but reducing my expenses on a day-to-day basis using the LSP method has been my secret to finding the money to travel. 

And if you can’t increase your income as noted above, you MUST decrease expenses.


Here’s how you can decrease your expenses: 

Where did the money go? Look back to the last 2 months and categorize all of your expenses. You can do this on a spreadsheet or by using a pen & paper.

Do the math. do you have money left over? Terrific, use the surplus towards an emergency fund first. That balance should be the amount of your monthly income x 3, at least.

There’s no money left over? Yikes, go back and analyze each category to make changes.

Going forward. Start to track every dollar spent and record it in your LSP. You’ll quickly see exactly where your money is going.

budget travel women travel

These small changes can add up: 

  • Turn off the lights at home & hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
  • Cell phone companies want your business as do many utility companies. There’s no harm in calling up the competition to look for a deal.
  • If you have consumer or student loans consider refinancing and/or consolidating.
  • Does anyone still have cable?? With so many free online options, this is an easy expense to eliminate.
    Speaking of entertainment, there are a ton of FREE concerts, plays & fairs.
    Local libraries offer FREE services, not to mention all of those books!
  • Look around your home, there are many items that you are no using or maybe have never used! I just sold $890 worth of “stuff” that was in my closet & that money now sits comfortably in my Travel fund.
  • It’s so easy to open your ride-share app and order up a cab but why not start using a bike, public transport and good, old-fashioned walking? With some planning, you can easily schedule everything. Caveat: it’s late, after dark and safety is a concern, jump in that cab!
  • Take out food is costing you a fortune and you don’t even know it! Or maybe you do and don’t know how to stop? YouTube has lots of ideas on meal prepping that will save you hundreds of dollars a year. What’s also great about planning around food is that you are only buying groceries that you need.

Pro Tip:

  • You may be spending $12 on lunch/coffee/snacks each day
  • You work 5 days a week for 4 weeks = 20 days
  • $12/day x 20 days = $240/month
  • In 3 months, that’s $720. Do you think that can be spent another way?
    Hint: I hear it’s beautiful in Prague this time of year!

Needs Versus Wants

You’re at your favorite store and about to buy yet another “thing”. Ask yourself, do you NEED this or do you WANT this.

Knowing the difference and making a conscious decision on your purchases can save you thousands over your lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for having nice things but I have a very clear list of what I Need. And yes, sometimes I need a new pair of shoes! As for Wants, I work with my LSP and create a category for it. The LSP will also help avoid any impulse buying if that happens to be what’s holding you back from a good financial situation.

Using Cash Instead of credit

Credit cards are great to have, convenient and part of being an adult. But they are often the biggest culprit behind a person drowning in debt or having little to no savings. Credit card companies love it when you charge a purchase. In January of 2018, the average credit card debt per borrower in the U.S. was $5,472 (source: I’m not picking on our U.S. friends, the statistics are similar in the UK, Canada and Australia.

When you use cash instead of credit you will have paid for the item outright (without interest) and you have thought twice about the purchase. You can make some real progress with your financial goals using the cash approach. You may be using your credit card in hopes of accumulating loyalty points. Rest assured, those points benefit the credit card company, not you.

3. Debt Elimination

Notice the word, elimination not reduction. You’ll begin with reducing debt but the key is to ELIMINATE it completely.
List all of your debts. This is where you have to be very honest with yourself – but be kind too – it’s ok, you’ve started and that’s the hardest part. 

As you list each amount you owe, include the interest rate for each one. There are two schools of thought on whether to pay the debt with the highest interest rate first OR pay the debt with the smallest balance. I like the latter as it creates momentum. If you owe $700 dollars on your credit card and $4,000 on a loan, it will feel good when the $700 is paid off.


solo female travel

I wish they taught us these things in school.

They should replace Algebra with “Financial Planning for your Life” as far as I’m concerned. I’m on a mission to change this because it took me a few years and many financial mistakes to create a system that works well for me. Now that you have a better idea on how to do this, you can make better choices too because you’re either managing your money or it’s managing you.

About the author

author of female travel budget

Leigh Aslanis

Using her expertise & experience from her career in business, Leigh has been “unofficially” coaching women for almost 10 years in both money & overall life goals. Now, she’s taking a more formal approach to it and is thrilled to be meeting so many great ladies around the globe that have been reaching out.

Leigh loves travelling (obvs!) hiking, yoga, tennis, reading and learning new languages; she’s up to 3 now and hoping to be fluent in the 4th one soon – choose a language & say hello.

How to Deeply Connect with a New Culture

Travel is a very personal and exhilarating experience. I believe the key to experiencing a journey of optimum exploration and adventure is to connect with local cultures. Depending on your personality, it may seem intimidating or maybe it comes naturally to you. Either way, I have tried and tested these tips to help all of us solo female travelers navigate and connect with a diverse array of cultures anywhere in the world.

Consider the Purpose of Your Trip 

Take some time to ask yourself why you have chosen the place you would like to explore. Answer the following questions honestly; they can serve as a guide throughout your trip. Get yourself a cute little notebook even. Write them down and keep them with you to remind yourself when you need it.

  1. What is going on in your life right now that is inspiring you to travel? 
 2. What are you expecting to find or achieve through this trip? 
 3. What are three things you would like to learn about on this trip?

Havana Tour for women

Do Your Homework 

Traveling to a new place is exciting, but with travel comes responsibility. While it is important to figure out where you are going, how to get there, and necessary safety precautions, it is also important to learn about cultural customs, etiquette, and basic phrases in the local language.

Cultural Customs: 

African Massai Tribe Women culture travel

Pay attention to local or religious holidays.

Each and every destination is filled with fascinating complexities. Certain Muslim countries are very strict with how they operate during the holy month of Ramadan. For example, Dubai does not allow people to eat or drink in public during this month, while Istanbul is a little more lenient with how they operate.

Women in India culture traveling

Learn about the basic politics.

It is generally a good idea to learn about the basic politics of the country before departing for your trip. Find out whether it is appropriate to talk about politics; some countries are not comfortable talking about local politics, and these discussions may leave you in a precarious position with respect to safety.

Havana Solo Female Network tour

left hand or right?

Many countries in Asia, Middle East, and Africa use their left hand to clean themselves after using the toilet. Because of this custom, it is considered rude to use your left hand to eat, shake hands, paying for something, and when shopping in these countries.

Locals on Solo Female Traveler Network Tour


Some countries like Bulgaria, Sri Lanka, and Egypt nod their head ‘no’ when they mean ‘yes.’ This can be confusing for cultures used to a different way of agreeing or disagreeing.

Holi Festival Solo Female Network tour

Locals can always help.

From my experience, locals have been willing to help me out when I have learned basic phrases to get around. 

They have appreciated the time I spent learning about their mother tongue, and are more willing to help with directions, food selections, and deals for local goods. 

Cuba Solo Female Network Tour

Language can be confusing.

Language is clearly a great form of communication, but it can also be confusing across cultures. Here are some examples – the word ‘hammer’ means ‘awesome’ in German, and ‘chips’ can mean ‘French fries’ in parts of Europe. Google search language misnomers for the country you are traveling to in order to avoid any embarrassing mishaps.

Useful phrases to learn include:

  • Hello, goodbye, and thank you.
  • Hello my name is…
  • How much does this cost?
  • Where is the bathroom?
  • I am hurt.
  • I need help.
  • Can you show me how to get here on the map?

If you have dietary restrictions, learn how to communicate this in advance.



I cannot emphasize the importance of practicing proper etiquette when going overseas. Respecting the nuances of the local culture will affect the quality of your trip. Research how people dress on different occasions and in the different areas you will be traveling to. Temples in Asia require visitors to cover their shoulders and knees. Villages adopt more conservative clothing etiquette than big cities. Being mindful of these cultural practices will help you feel comfortable and will provide you with the ability to connect with local cultures in a deeper way.

Culinary experiences have always been a medium to connect with culture. What I recommend researching in advance are dietary restrictions you may have with the local cuisines, where to find alternative food options and whether or not the local culture uses silverware or their hands to eat food. You don’t want to seem disgusted or surprised by your choice of food options or utensils/non utensils. Body language can transcend languages. If you are uncomfortable using your hands, bring your own set of plasticware (bringing a knife is not advisable).

Women connect with culture while traveling

How to Connect with The Local Culture 

All of the tips that I have provided above lead to this section. Connecting with local culture when you travel is what sustains the entire experience and also aids in the making of new friendships. I highly suggest thinking about the purpose of your trip as mentioned in Part 1. Empathy is the best tool to use when trying to connect with people you want to learn about. Self-reflect on your intentions and where you are in your life and think about putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Craft open-ended questions that connect you to that person and draft some questions ahead of time as a guide to expand your learning. Some examples from my trips are below:

Example 1: I have always marveled about how other cultures find happiness in their daily life because I like to remind myself about how to be happy on a daily basis. I tend to ask, “What is your daily life like?” and “What do you look forward to doing after work or on the weekend?”

Example 2: As a new mother I have been curious about how other cultures raise their children. On a recent trip to Jamaica, my son got sick. I asked some Moms, “What do you do when your children are sick?”

Example 3: I enjoy trying local delicacies. To learn about a local food or fruit, I like to ask, “What is a favorite food/fruit that you think I should try here?”

Traveling solo is a transformative experience if you take the time to self-reflect and do your homework to better understand basic customs and cultural nuances of the location. I have always cherished and learned from my travels when I take my trip to a deeper level by finding ways to connect with the local culture.

Your travel experiences are what you make of them. What do you expect to learn from the culture you are visiting? What are you curious about?

About the author

Travel Author

Sophia Hyder Hock

Sophia Hyder Hock is a responsible travel enthusiast, yoga instructor, Mom, and the Founder/CEO of Papilia, a boutique diversity and inclusion design and training company that incorporates customized wellness principles into every project.

How to Maximize your Solo Travels

Solo travel is a skill. While knowing how to score a good flight, stay safe, and work your way around a country are all important, your state of mind matters even more in having fulfilling your travel dreams. Here are some tips on how to maximize your solo travels that go beyond logistics.

Take a moment

Breathe it all in. You are finally there! Soak up that sunset. Inhale the spices in the air. Feel the waves crash at your feet. Listen to the chatter of locals around you (especially if don’t understand it). Marvel at everything. Anyone can buy a plane ticket and go on tours/eat at restaurants/stay in hotels, but a solo traveler takes the time to just be there. The more moments you stop to just breathe and be in the moment, the better.

Be Solo

If you are on a Meetup Tour with us, there is almost always solo time built into the itinerary. Take it! If you are traveling alone and a meet slew of awesome people who want to tag along with you, that’s great. Still opt to do some sightseeing solo. Don’t forget there is a reason you set off by yourself. As easy as it is to get caught up with a group (because the people you meet are one of the best parts!), stay true to yourself and your travels. Your travel friends won’t take it personally; they get you and will probably appreciate the time to themselves, too.

Female Solo Travel

Make Friends

We know we just told you to be alone, but the people you meet are an important part of your travel experience. Whether it’s with your fellow participants on a Meetup Tour or the locals and fellow travelers you meet along the way, always stay open to new people (until they give you a reason not to of course). People are rarely what they appear to be, so give them a chance while keeping yourself safe. All travelers and locals have a story to tell that you have never heard, so if you withhold judgement, you will make friends with people you would have other written off on first glance.

Accept Changes as New Opportunities

Travel will never go totally according to plan. It doesn’t matter how you do it, even if you pay someone else to plan it for you. Some of the best moments in our travels have been when a bus breaks down in Cuba and we chat to the locals on the side of the road, when a day trip in Australia is cancelled so we find ourselves on a secluded beach with dolphins in the water, when we get super sick and the sweetest hostel owner brings you soup. Sometimes the bad things that happen simply give the people around us to show us how amazing they are. Often times a better adventure is around the corner. When things don’t go according to plan, trust that something spectacular is around the corner because it usually is.

Female Solo Travel

Keep it positive.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” Frank Outlaw

It’s so easy to complain, especially as a way to bond with fellow travelers. It’s tempting to complain as a conversation starter or a way to connect. And whether you are in a group or alone, it is even easier to complain when you feel out of control. Focusing on the negative is the quickest way to ruin your whole trip. Negativity is like the plague. It spreads fast and can ruin an experience for you and everyone around you. Look for the positive. Your food may be cold, but it is delicious. It’s crazy hot outside, but at least your hotel room has AC. If your thoughts are positive, then everything else will follow suit.

Accept Local Culture

There are countries with beliefs or customs that we don’t agree with personally. As our values will tell you, we believe in things like human rights, animal welfare, and equality. Unfortunately, other parts of the world don’t have the same priorities or simply can’t hold the same values. While we feed as many stray dogs as we can, we don’t judge the locals for allowing them to go hungry. They are probably struggling to find food for themselves. This is trickier to remember when it comes to sweatshops, how women are treated in society, and issues that feel really personal. The best we can do for our own travels is to just accept that we can’t change it and move on. We can help those we come across and we can choose to spend our money on ethical experiences, but we won’t change the world by ourselves on one trip. We would be in a constant state of despair if we internalized it. What we can do is leave a path of fed dogs, donate to worthy charities, and practice random acts of kindness.

11 Travel Beauty Secrets from a Travel Queen

Who says you can’t be pretty while traveling? No more sweaty group photos. No more hiding your hair in a hat. No more exploding shampoo in your laptop bag. As a female digital nomad who travels the world 365 days a year. I’ve absolutely mastered the travel beauty game, and now I’m here to share some of my best travel beauty secrets with you.

Hi, I’m Alexa West – the founder of The Solo Girl’s Travel Guide! Planes, trains, and buses – I never sacrifice beauty, and you don’t have to either. So listen up to my best beauty tips and travel hacks that will keep you looking Instagram-worthy, no matter how long and hot your travel day may be.

beauty tips for solo female travelers

1. Save your samples

You know those little samples you get from Sephora when you make a purchase? Save em’ for travel.

Have a little travel bag where you stash those mini moisturizers, shampoo packets, and tiny eye shadows. They offer the perfect amount of product for vacation, save you space, and are guaranteed to be carry-on approved. 

Sneaky Tip: Sephora and Nordstrom’s give away free perfume samples, all you have to do is ask! 

2. Carry baby powder

My secret weapon for greasy hair AND chaffing thighs is baby powder!

Dry shampoo can be expensive and aerosol canisters are not allowed as carry ons. But that’s okay because baby powder does wonders for soaking up greasy hair. Apply baby powder to your scalp before you go to sleep, and you’ll wake up with voluminous locks and no baby powder scent. 

Also, if you’re like 95% of women who don’t have that “thigh gap” then you’ll likely experience the sweaty thigh chaffing nightmare that happens while wearing dresses on vacation. Pat some baby powder on your thighs and violá – no more chaffing. 

Bali Solo Girls Travel Guide

3. Swap your Foundation for a CC Cream with Built-In SPF

Buildable coverage and sun protection! Traveling with a multi-purpose CC Cream saves you space, allows you to customize your coverage for the climate, and protects your delicate skin during long adventure days.

For the past 2 years, I’ve been traveling with IT Cosmetics ‘Your Skin But Better’ CC Cream. The tube is around $44, which may sound a bit pricey, but it literally lasts an entire year (that’s just 12 ¢ per day). 

Pro Tip: Apply with a wet beauty blender for buildable coverage. 

You can also purchase a travel size IT Cosmetics CC Cream …but it doesn’t come with that product-saving pump, which means that you’ll be wasting tons of product in the long-run. Bite the bullet and go for the regular-size tube, which is already the perfect travel size, in my royal opinion.

4. Learn how to do a sock bun

Literally the easiest 5-minute hair-fix, a Sock Bun should be part of every travel girl’s hair routine. It’s cute, comfortable, and keeps the hair out of your face during sweaty adventure days. 

Before you travel, cut your tube-sock and practice rolling your hair into a Sock Bun using an easy-to-follow YouTube tutorial. All you’ll need is a hair elastic and a couple of bobby pins to complete this iconic travel look.  

Bali Solo Girls Travel Guide

5. Use aluminum liquid bottles, not plastic

Is there anything worse than a shampoo bottle exploding in your carry-on bag?

Protect your purse and your products with a no-leak liquid travel bottle!

I swear by these Mini Metal Travel Bottles that have literally traveled across the globe with me. I can shove them in my carry-on and don’t have to secure them in a plastic zip lock bag first…cause they’re not going to crack mid-flight!

They’ve got a mist spray top, which I only utilize for my hair products. I fill the other bottles with my shampoos and face washes – and just unscrew the top to use them. 

6. Always carry exfoliating face wipes

You wouldn’t believe the amount of black residue that collects all over your face, neck and chest while traveling! 

Whether it’s dirt roads in Mexico or riding through traffic in an open-air Tuk Tuk in Thailand, women’s skin breaks out easily. Bring exfoliating wipes with you on all your travels. 

Swipe your face with a white cleansing cloth after a long adventure…and you’ll be horrified (and maybe a little fascinated) by the dark layer of sludge you collect. 

I travel with Burt’s Bees Facial Cleansing Towelettes with Exfoliating Peach and Willow Bark! I shove one pack in every bag that I carry. They keep your complexion clear and are a refreshing mid-day treat for your skin. 

solo female travel beauty tips photo

7. Bring a Multi-Purpose Facial Mist

Have you ever taken a 5+ hour flight and noticed how tight your skin is afterwards? It’s that gross recycled air! Keep your face fresh, moisturized and protected from absorbing all the icky gunk in the air by regularly misting during your flight with Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe Herbs and Rosewater. 

Then, when you’re on the ground, start every morning with a mist to keep your skin hydrated in new climates! 

Better yet, this facial mist also acts as an amazing long-wear makeup primer. Carry it in your purse to freshen up before photos! 

8. Skip the eyeshadow

Instead of carrying an entire eye shadow palette with me on weekend getaways, I bring my Paint Pots by Mac Cosmetics!

I’ve literally been purchasing and re-purchasing Mac’s Paint Pots since I started earning babysitting money at the age of 13. 

The shade “Painterly” acts as a concealer, brightening up my lid so beautifully that I can wear it alone. “Bare Study” adds that bit of shimmer that makes you look super tan! “Rubenesque” is more of my go-to glam night that I’d wear to a barefoot beach bar. Again, all of these can be worn totally naked!

If you do want to bring some eye shadows, the Paint Pots are the BEST primers I’ve ever used. No matter if I’m swimming or sweating, my shimmers stay put all day and my crease doesn’t smear.

Each pot runs around $22 and lasts for a year. Do it. 

solo female travel bali beauty tips

9. Use Travel Perfume Bottles

I used to carry my full-size Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume with me on my travels…and then I lost the entire bottle which was an expensive mistake. Now, I decant my perfume into a mini travel spray bottle for easy carry and low-risk! 

These Perfume Atomizer Bottles are made of aluminum and are refillable – which means years of use. They even come with a little funnel to make the process quick and easy. 

10. Use an Epilator before you go

If you can handle a bit of pain and don’t have terribly sensitive skin, try this DIY hair removal method. Imagine a row of tweezers working together to remove hair quickly. Now image 5 rows on a rotating system that tackle big areas in a little amount of time. That’s an epilator. 

Use it on your armpits, legs, toes, face…I just wouldn’t recommend using it on your bikini area. But hey, who am I to stop you?

An epilator will save you money spent on waxing and save you a bit of space & effort now that you don’t need to carry a razor with you on your travels. 

11. Hydrate

Water, water, water!

It’s so easy to get caught up in margaritas and cervezas that you forget your good ol’ friend, Aqua!

It shouldn’t be a secret (but it seems that it is) that water is the key to glowing, radiating skin! Decrease the dark circles and bags under your eyes, keep your skin from drying out, hold your tan longer, and maintain a supple texture just by drinking 2 liters of water per day…especially in the sun! 

Water is also to thank for less-frizzy hair and fighting chapped lips. 

Bring a Nomader Collapsible Water Bottle on your travels to reduce plastic waste and help you keep track of your water intake; just three refills per day will do the trick. 

beauty tips for solo female travelers

Extra Travel Beauty Tips

Leave your Hair Dryer and Curling Iron at Home

Blow Dryers take up too much space in your luggage and are not compatible with foreign voltage. Plus, many hotels and Airbnbs will have a blow dryer for you! And if I’m being totally real with you…your hair will likely end up in a pony tail or bun during your travels anyways!

Don’t Bring your Entire Makeup Bag

Unless your vacationing in France with your Fiancé, you don’t need that bright red lipstick, highlighter palette, or liquid eyeliner. Pick a travel makeup bag that is half the size of your day-to-day makeup bag and limit yourself.

Use Hotel Conditioner instead of Shaving Cream

Instead of carrying a heavy shaving cream bottle that you’ll only use once or twice during your travels, collect those free hotel bottles to create a shaving cream of your own.

Check Out My Travels On Instagram @SoloGirlsTravelGuide

Coming To Asia? Get A Copy Of The Solo Girl’s Travel Guide To Help You Plan The Most Badass (And Safest) Trip Of Your Life.

about the author

solo girls travel guide

alexa west

Living between Thailand and Bali, Alexa West is a best-selling author, travel vlogger, and female-focused entrepreneur changing the way that women travel the world. For the past 10 years, Alexa has been solo traveling around the globe full-time – and now teaches women how to travel the world just like her. 

Planning a Solo Trip: A Guide for Beginners

So, you’ve decided to take the solo travel leap and are now planning a solo trip? This beginner’s guide is a practical tool to assist you in planning your first solo trip, including pre-travel logistics to navigating your destination like a pro. Let’s begin!

Pre-travel logistics

Planning a solo trip doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. There are, however, a few pre-travel logistics to consider before even booking your trip. Don’t worry, once you get the hang of it, these things will just become second nature. 

planning international's trip solo female traveler


Ensure your passport is up to date and doesn’t expire for 6 months before you plan to travel internationally. Also make sure it has enough blank pages in it to accommodate new stamps and visas. 

You will want to keep a digital copy of your passport handy or store a photocopy of it in your carry-on; in the worst-case scenario that it is stolen or lost, at least you will have a record of your identity and your passport number. 


You may or may not need a visa depending on your citizenship and the country you are traveling to. You can often check this on your government’s travel website. If you do require a visa, you may need to apply for it in advance. Exceptions to this are if the visa is offered on arrival, meaning you can complete the visa application form and pay in person at immigration when entering the country. Again, this will depend on which country you are entering and your citizenship. 


Considering how you will manage your finances is an important aspect of planning a solo trip. Some sources recommend calling your bank to let them know you will be using your debit card or credit card abroad, so they don’t activate identity theft protocol. In terms of how you will actually navigate your finances while traveling internationally in a new currency, there are a few options:

ATMs ATMs typically give the best exchange rate of the day and are usually conveniently available at airports upon arrival. However, most ATMs charge a fee for their use and some financial institutions charge their own fee; this could add up to a whopping $10 in fees per withdrawal. Check with your bank to see what your options are. Some bank accounts offer to reimburse international ATM fees, and if you are lucky enough to have this benefit, using an ATM to access money will be your best option. Cash Exchange Cash exchange kiosks are notorious for charging high exchange rates, meaning you will lose money just to exchange your money. You are better to directly exchange cash at your financial institution and only resort to commercial cash exchange companies if you desperate. For example, you are left with a foreign currency and need to get rid of it before returning home. Credit Cards If you don’t want to walk around with large sums of cash, having a travel credit card is your best bet. Look for one with a 0% foreign transaction fee so you don’t pay more for each purchase. Some travel credit cards also offer travel insurance or rewards programs, so definitely read the fine print to see what you are covered for.

planning a solo trip


Booking your Trip

Travel agent vs. self-planned vs. organized tour

If you don’t have much experience traveling or creating a trip itinerary, or you don’t have the time to plan a trip, working with a travel agent can be extremely helpful. Agents can help you with everything from booking flights, to scheduling ground transfers, accommodation and tours — basically the whole package. They can also be extremely useful in sorting out issues in the event that something goes array while traveling, such as a flight being cancelled or delayed.

However, those on a tight budget or who desire more flexibility in their travel schedule may want to plan their own trip. There are a variety of budget airlines and fight search engines nowadays which can help you get to your destination cheaper, notify you of sales, or even explore all destinations across time according to cost.

Joining an organized tour specifically for solo travelers may be a good option if you are looking to get your feet wet on the road alone but would like the extra support. On The Solo Female Traveler Network’s Meetup Tours you are given the time to roam alone, but there is always someone waiting for you to come back. Logistics are taken care of and safety is less of a concern, so you can feel free to soak up the excitement with less worry. They are a good option for your very first trip to help teach you some solo travel skills. The downside is they are not as cost-effective or quite as adventurous as going it all on your own, but you leave with lots of new friends. Read more about where The Solo Female Traveler Network is going next and more about organized tours in general.

Deciding Where to Stay

Once you have your flights booked, the next step in planning a solo trip is to decide where to stay. Generally speaking, you have three options: hotels, hostels or an Airbnb.

guesthouse in bali for solo female travelers


Hostels are budget-friendly and tend to be conveniently located in city centres near bus or train terminals. They usually have kitchen facilities and some of them even have an in-house bar! Staying at a hostel is a great way to meet other travellers and participate in group activities while traveling solo. The downsides are less privacy and the potential for noise or uncleanly shared environments. You can explore options on or

hostel for solo female travelers


Hotels may appear to be the more expensive option, but this really depends on your destination. In some areas of Asia and Africa, a basic hotel room can cost less than a bed in a dorm room. There are lots of great websites to explore your options, such as — just be sure to read the reviews to determine the accuracy of the listing. Sometimes booking a hotel directly on their website can be cheaper, so it might be worth-while to compare costs.

hotels for solo female travelers


Airbnb has become a popular choice for travellers to find a home away from home while on the road. If you prefer to have your own kitchen or workspace while traveling, booking an apartment on Airbnb might be for you. You can also rent a room in someone’s home via Airbnb, meaning you will share space with the host. Just like with anything, check the reviews and trust your gut.

Pre-travel Health Considerations

Travel Insurance

We all know that life is unpredictable so even the best-planned trip can go off the rails. Travel insurance covers not only travel expenses and your belongings (e.g. your flight is cancelled, or your luggage is stolen), but also your health (e.g. you need to be hospitalized or medically evacuated). The costs associated with seeking medical consultation and treatment abroad can be very minimal in some countries or astronomical in others. It is therefore always best to be prepared and purchase travel insurance.

When purchasing insurance, always read the fine print to see what you are or are not covered for and how you would be required to make a claim. Leave a copy of your insurance policy behind with a family or friend and keep an electronic copy of it in an easily accessible file in your email or on your phone.

Here is a very thorough guide on how to choose a plan and some top-rated insurance companies especially good for solo female travelers – The Solo Female Traveler’s Guide to Travel Insurance.


To determine if there are mandatory vaccinations required for entrance to the country you are traveling to, you may want to check the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel health website. For example, proof of receiving the yellow fever vaccine is required to enter East African countries and without your immunization card you may be denied entry. Conversely, there may be vaccines or tablets recommended for your destination, such as the rabies vaccination or antimalarial pills.


If you have a prescription medicine you need to take with you on your travels, speak to your pharmacist about getting it in bulk so you won’t run out while abroad. Also, it is important to ask for a prescription to keep with you as you may or may not need it during transit.

It is also important to consider whether your medication is legal in the destination you are arriving into. For example, some forms of narcotics are illegal in certain counties. You can check the status of your prescription medication at the CDC travel medicine website.

Avoiding Travel Mishaps

solo trip planning woman in Jordan

Do your research

Airplane travel doesn’t have to be stressful or cumbersome with a little preparation. Make sure you check with your airline for their luggage requirements and fees, including the weight and size dimensions of both checked and carry-on baggage. No one wants to show up to the airport and have to pay an unexpected cost, so weigh your luggage once you are done packing (though be sure to leave some extra space for things you may want to bring home with you).

If you are flying out of a large airport, check the airport website for which terminal your airline departs from and the estimated wait times. Once you start to travel more, you will come to know which airports are notorious for being chaotic versus streamlined, but for now it can be really helpful to orient yourself online before arriving to the airport.

Check-in Online

Checking in online can save stress while at the airport and also gives you the option to pick your seat on the aircraft (though often at an additional fee). Note that if you are stowing baggage, you will still need to drop your luggage off at the airline counter. Nowadays there are often electronic kiosks which print bag-tags, and a designated bag-drop line so you can avoid the check-in que all together.

If you are nervous about doing this, simply wait in the check-in line and give the staff your passport. However, if you plan to do this be sure to give yourself a full 3 hours before your international flight to accommodate for long lines.

Packing your carry-on

Most airports are very strict on fluids, gels and aerosols over 100ml/100g and any objects which may appear to be a weapon. There is nothing more stressful than having items confiscated or your bag pulled apart by security agents. If you have personal care products in your carry-on luggage, ensure they are the proper size and inside a clear pouch or plastic bag. Reusable water bottles are fine but make sure they are empty when you pass through security.

You will also want to keep all valuables and travel documents in your carry-on. My rule of thumb is to pack my carry-on as if I know my stowed luggage will be lost or tampered with.


Navigating your new surroundings can be difficult when dealing with jetlag, culture shock and language barriers. While most hotels and hostels provide city maps and can offer you further advice, you might prefer to use a digital navigation strategy. Apps like offer offline solutions to navigate, simply requiring you to download the country map before you go off wifi. I usually do this at the airport before I fly to any new country. Conversely, getting a local SIM card once on the ground will ensure you never go offline and can readily use google maps, Uber or any local transit apps.

City walking tours or hiring a local guide can also be great ways to orient yourself to a new city by foot, and often serve as great opportunities to find local hot spots and hidden gems.


While solo female travel is generally very safe, it is still important to be proactive in any situation. It is therefore helpful to consider how you will take measures to protect yourself while traveling. First, check your government website for any travel advisories for your destination and register as a citizen abroad to get direct email notifications of any emerging events. Reading about your destination can also provide useful information on local crime rates or any popular scams to be aware of, as well as helpful tips like  how local women typically dress.

More specific safety tips will vary based on the context of where you travel, but it is always SO important to trust your gut. If something or someone doesn’t feel right, trust your inner intuition to keep you safe.

About the author

Author woman

Stephanie Huff

Steph Is A Canadian Travel Writer And Founder Of The Award-Winning Solo Female Travel Blog The Pink Backpack. She Has Traveled To Over 50 Countries And 6 Continents, Most Recently Backpacking Solo Across Africa.

How to Plan your First Solo International Trip

Planning your first solo trip and wondering where to start? Random fears and worst case scenarios intruding on your excitement? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This article will help sort you out and walk you through the entire process of planning your first solo trip with a good dose of humour and perspective -two things you don’t ever want to travel without.

International solo trip planning

Women have been exploring the world on their own for centuries, even to the furthest places and under the most treacherous conditions. It doesn’t mean you need to climb the highest mountain or hike through the desert on your first trip, but if they can do it, so can you. After 5 years and over a dozen solo trips to continents far and near, here are my top tips for planning your first international solo trip.

How to pick a destination

This can seem to be the most important and daunting decision in the entire trip-planning process. To simplify things, here are a few ways to approach this decision and spark your decision-making:   

  1. Is there a particular culture you admire? Maybe Japan for the gardens and onsens, Italy for the art, India for all its festivals and colours, or Andalusia for its flamenco scene.
  2. Do you have friends you can stay with or meet in a certain destination? Especially friends with kitchens, in my experience, save you a lot of money as you can cook instead of eating out all the time.  
  3. A cause or social issue you feel strongly about and would like to volunteer for, where your skills meet the requirements.
  4. Hobbies or interests you’d like to deepen
  5. Wherever the flights and stay expenses seem most agreeable to your budget – Google Flights and many flight booking websites will show you fares to anywhere within a certain budget.
  6. Any long-held curiosity or draw you’ve felt to a certain part of the world, or a side of your personality you’ve always wanted to explore.

You could also, of course, just pick a destination on a whim and run with it. Knowing your reasons for travel gives you the conviction to go ahead with your plans without second-guessing them at every step. So much of solo travel is about trusting your choices, and trusting that they’re right for you. If you ask me, travel is another word for trust.

A good way to get your feet wet on international travel is to join an organized tour specifically for solo travelers, like The Solo Female Traveler Network’s Meetup Tours. You come alone, make like-minded friends, have opportunities to explore solo, but you always have us waiting for you and there to help. They are a perfect way to ease your first trip fears while still getting to explore a new place. You can’t help but leave with more confidence to go it totally alone next time.

India Solo Female Travel


“Travel light” is the overarching advice across travel  blogs/forums/magazines, but it’s also perfectly okay to not cut down your luggage to the absolute bare minimum. If you feel the desire/need to bring more of your cherished possessions along for reasons best understood by you – do so. Know you can handle all your luggage yourself and are aware of luggage limits on your flights and other transport.


The sense of liberation that comes from being on your own in a strange new land is often coupled with that cautious awareness that you’re all you’ve got and you’re up for grabs. While the general perception seems to categorize some parts of the world as ‘safer’ and others more sketchy/dangerous, safety is never a guarantee anywhere and danger isn’t lurking on every corner either. Your best bet for staying out of trouble is keeping your wits about you and taking the same basic precautions you would in your home country. Avoid dark deserted streets, always look like you know where you’re going, never look lost, stay aware of your surroundings, you get the drift. Helps to remember that despite all appearances and news media, more things go right than wrong in the world every single day. More people want to help than harm, befriend than betray.  

India Solo Female Travel


To avoid carrying wads of cash, sign up for travel debit/credit cards that don’t charge an international transaction fee. For example, Charles Schwab cards are popular among American travellers because they reimburse ATM transaction fees.

Have enough cash on hand to keep you afloat for a day, or until you get to your stay. is a great resource to estimate local expenses around the world, as are so many travel blogs. Be sure to inform your bank of your travel plans, because banks often block your card the minute they see a “suspicious” login from a different country. A neat trick to prevent this kind of blocking is to use your card at the airport’s ATM to check your balance (not to withdraw cash). That way, the bank now has your new location on record and won’t block you when you try to withdraw money from there.

Snagging the best flight deals

Skyscanner, Matrix Airfare Search, and Kayak are some of the best websites for great flight deals. An incognito browser, clearing cookies, and booking a few months in advance are good ways to score great flight deals. Also get the Hopper app on your phone to be able to enter destinations and dates and get updates for new price decreases. 

Solo Female Travel

travel and medical insurance

Something you’d rather have and not need than need and not have. Even the most organized and experienced travellers run into unexpectable snafus on the road – such as losing passports, belongings, or falling ill – and insurance really saves the day in such scenarios. We have written a guide to go into more detail about how to choose the best travel insurance for you and some of the companies we have used and recommend. 


A few useful phrases go a long way. Apps such as Memrise and DuoLingo are great to grasp some basics. My favorite language-learning method has to be the Pimsleur method (first lesson free on Youtube for over 60 languages), where you’re thrown into a conversation from the first lesson so you learn by anticipating and participating, rather than listening and repeating. Speaking the local language, no matter how broken your sentences may be, is also a sign of respect for the host country.

Useful travel apps that work offline, Google maps (download offline maps), Google Translate, TripIt (to manage your itinerary), XE currency (to convert currencies),  Spotify (for music), American Red Cross First Aid app (for emergency first aid guidance). The location sharing features of Google Maps, Whatsapp and Life 365 are great for keeping your family/friends informed of your whereabouts. Remember to keep your phone in airplane mode to save battery.

planning a solo trip in cuba


Invest in a reliable and light-weight power bank.  Especially if you plan to go hiking or to places with little electricity. A world travel adapter sorts out your electronic needs in any country. A wearable personal safety alarm is something I highly recommend.

Water refills

Carry your own refillable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles everywhere. This saves money and is a lot more earth-friendly than plastic. Apps such as Tap, Refill, GivemeTap, and websites such as show you the locations for water refills.  

Taking care of your health – mental, physical, and emotional

Your state of health determines the quality of your entire trip, more than any other factor. Apart from physical health, you’re going to need your emotional and mental health when you’re far away on your own in unfamiliar surroundings. Because wherever you go, there you are. Which can be a boon or a bane, depending on how much you enjoy your own company. This quote says it well – The only zen you find at the tops of mountains is the zen you bring.

Tourist scams

Look up tourist scams common in your destination so that you are not another easy target. Wikitravel and travel blogs are great places to read about common scams to watch out for in your destination.

how to plan international travel for women


Food is an important consideration when planning your first international solo trip. Unlike some countries where you have your choice of different cuisine, most of the world is not like that. If you don’t like Thai food, then Thailand may not be the best place to go, at least for your first international trip. If you can’t get enough Italian food, then you will be in food heaven in Italy. 

Dietary restrictions are also important, but very manageable most of the time. For vegans and vegetarians, Happy Cow is a useful app/website to find the nearest restaurants. Vitamin supplements and granola/ protein bars are also great for travel, where you know your food habits will not always be the healthiest. 


There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. Accuweather (app & website) has reliable weather predictions so you can plan your wardrobe accordingly. Thin thermals and layering work great for colder climates, rather than bulky jackets that take up a ton of space. Consider layering in destinations where the weather is less predictable and be ready to re-wear clothing more than you would at home, especially for longer trips. 


Some books have a way of putting you in that traveller frame-of-mind before you even know where you’re headed. Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem and Beppe Severgnini’s La Bella Figura: A Field Guide to the Italian Mind are two of my favourite travel books. There are many more of course, and reading a book based on your destination might be a great way of sensing the pulse of the place.

We hope after reading this guide, you have a better understanding of where to begin planning your first solo trip. Just remember there is no wrong answer. Planning travel is personal and exciting. It can feel overwhelming, but that’s why you have The Solo Female Traveler Network Facebook group for support. We have your back! Don’t forget to share your photos and keep us updated on your very first solo international trip!

About the author

Travel Author

Namita Kulkarni

A Yoga Teacher, Writer And Traveler On Her Way To Everywhere, Namita Kulkarni Writes About Her Inner And Outer Expeditions On Her Travel & Yoga Blog Radically Ever After. She Travels Solo Every Year To Explore New Corners Of The World And Is Grateful To Yoga For The Internal Explorations It Propels Her Into. Catch Her On Instagram @Radicallyeverafter

Why Digital Nomads Need Community

The journey to become a digital nomad opens up a world of excitement, nerves, hope for the unknown, and the potential to live a life full of rich experiences and people you may never have met in a 9-5 office setting. Becoming a part of this ever-growing new world of business and self-promotion is possible now more than ever before, thanks to tools that can be found through whatever technology you prefer, whether it’s your smartphone, tablet or computer. The concept of a “normal” work life style has forever been changed, and we don’t want to look back.

So how do we make sure we’re successful and fulfilled? Among other things, a huge part of being a successful digital nomad is knowing how to find and be a part of a strong community of other digital nomads wherever you’re living. Tapping into these resources properly can help determine just how successful and happy you are.

guide for women who travel solo community nomad

Finding Your New Community and Keeping In-Touch with the Old

Speaking from my own experience over the past three years as a solo traveler throughout various countries in Asia and Europe, travelling alone can be fulfilling in its own right, teaching you independence, problem-solving skills, quick-thinking abilities, and communication skills.

That being said, at some point it becomes necessary to find other workers who can help support you and comfort you, as well. Fellow digital nomads can offer understanding of your lifestyle, as well as helping you to hone your skills and maybe even help you with any projects or business issues you have. You never know when you could meet a like-minded person to collaborate with!

solo female traveler budget in South Africa

Advice from the pros

One such person who’s been quite successful in doing just that is a Vlogger Andrea Valeria. In an interview she did with, she talks about how she uses various social media sites like Facebook and Instagram to connect with other digital nomads and how she creates a schedule that works for her to stay on track. This can vary for everyone, of course, but for her she works full days Monday through Wednesday, with more relaxed days on Thursday and Friday working in cafes, rooftop pools, etc., and takes the weekend off for her to meet and have fun with other people in her community.  

community for solo women nomads

eatwithus & Sofar sound

Everyone has to eat, so why not do it and meet people at the same time you’re getting a unique and authentic experience? EatWith offers just that. With this tool, you get to eat an intimate dinner with locals and strangers on rooftops, gardens or wherever! Once you’ve filled up from your amazing meal, you can try Sofar Sounds next for a little after dinner entertainment. Sofar Sounds is great for music lovers, connecting people to secret gigs with only 3-4 performers with an intimate audience.

Of course, if you want to mix it up and find communities for basically any interest you may have, you can turn to Meetup. This in-depth site connects people of all interests, from mountain climbers to board game lovers to just finding people to go out and drink wine with, this site offers a seemingly endless way to connect with others.

travel for women solo in Cape Town

Choosing the Right Environment and Resources

Human connection is necessary, and a good environment can make all the difference in the world for a digital nomad. To achieve a solid, positive environment, there are always going to be a few things that are absolutely needed to be successful and to help meet others: good internet access, affordable rent, and helpful locals.

solo female traveler in blue

nomadic notes

Thanks to a great page by Nomadic Notes, you can easily check out their list of different cities and countries that have been reviewed by other experienced digital nomads. In general, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for good blogs and podcasts that can help you meet people, grow your business, or market yourself in your new environment, as well.

"making it anywhere"

One of my favorites is a blog called “Making It Anywhere,” that was started by a couple from England who write about business building, life skills, and inspirational travel tips. There are many other blogs out there, though, as well, so if you’re feeling a little stuck, check them out.

solo travel in Egypt for women

While there are many ways to navigate being a digital nomad, you can pick and choose exactly what works for you. There’s no one right way, and you might even discover something new that you want to share with others as you develop your own way to make your digital nomadic lifestyle work. Thankfully, there are more and more tools and resources out there to help make your experience smoother and to help you remember, you’re not alone!

about the author

communities for solo female workers

Annie brown

Annie Brown an entrepreneur, cartoonist and history nerd. She is also the social media director for SafetyWing, the first travel insurance provider made for digital nomads, by digital nomads with coverage plans starting at $37/month. At SafetyWing, we are building a global safety net for digital nomads which includes our first product – affordable, reliable travel medical insurance.

Finding Jobs as a Digital Nomad

When I tell people I work remotely, I have to mentally prepare myself for their response, “So, you don’t have a real job.” But as I became more accustomed to the telecommuting lifestyle (and realized there was a large community of freelancers like me) I started taking pride in my free-spirit, free-lance identity “Yeah, I work for myself and I’m a boss at it” became my professional mantra.

Remote Trends

Whoever spread the rumor around the classroom growing up that you can’t money without a 9-5 career, was, to put it nicely, stuck in a time machine. Not too long ago, remote workers or telecommuters comprised 10% to 15% of the workforce. A study by Virgin Media Business Report now estimates that by 2020 more than 60% of the workforce will be telecommuters. Today it is estimated that 30% to 45% of most US companies are composed of telecommuters, the majority of these are startups.

The trend towards remote work is expected to continue well into the next 5 to 10 years. An increasing number of companies are acknowledging the power of digital technology and the influence of the Internet to bridge oceans and find the best talent in the world. However, with globalization and bending the rules of corporate structure comes the challenges of uncertainty, ambiguity and potential volatility for remote-professionals, especially as a single woman who does not automatically have the security of full coverage health insurance.

Choosing Remote Work

Working in an office every day for 8 hours and braving the rush-hour commute seemed like an impediment to the lifestyle I wanted to live. If being a successful professional is about making myself happy in the end, why not make myself happy now? This is why I made the decision to only work remotely, and today I am a full-time remote worker. That’s not to say I didn’t have to work in an office from time to time while I was starting my career, this balance allowed me to to keep a roof over my head while establishing a network for myself.

finding remote work as a solo female traveler

Finding Remote Jobs

My number one choice is Angel ListAngel List is a U.S. website for startups, angel investors, and job-seekers looking to work at startups. I find this site especially awesome, because you can narrow your search to only view startups who have listed “Remote OK” as well as select your preferred salary range. In reality, most startups can’t afford to fun a full-time staff and office, so remote workers actually play a key stakeholder in business development.

Here are some other websites useful for finding remote work:

Remotive. Remotive helps 25,000+ remote workers and was founded by the former COO of Buffer. As far as I can tell, it is the largest and most comprehensive job listings especially for remote workers.

CloudPeeps. Launched in 2015, CloudPeeps is a community, marketplace and platform that empowers freelancers and businesses to do their best work. They connect freelancers and professional service providers with top clients, in a seamless platform that makes it easy to manage relationships, payments and more.

GitHub. This is a community where developers can access more than 24 million projects. GitHub encourages people to work wherever and however they want to produce the needed results.

FlexJobs. There are over 50 career categories to choose from; freelance, full time, executive or entry level. The best part of FlexJobs is they qualify all job openings to make sure there are no risks in applying. There are more than 20,000 job openings to choose from.

Skip The Drive. With a name that summarizes why it’s great to work remotely, Skip The Drive provides a good listing of remote jobs to choose from.

Guru. Another fast-growing work community that allows you to create an online portfolio with your profile.

My favorite part about working remotely is that it allows me to work while exploring and pushing my comfort zones of adventure. Companies like The Solo Female Traveler Network and SafetyWing provide me with the community and support I need to stay confident and safe as a female digital nomad.

about the author

communities for solo female workers

Annie Brown

Annie Brown an entrepreneur, cartoonist and history nerd. She is also the social media director for SafetyWing, the first travel insurance provider made for digital nomads, by digital nomads with coverage plans starting at $37/month. At SafetyWing, we are building a global safety net for digital nomads which includes our first product – affordable, reliable travel medical insurance.

Become A Budget Travel Hacker

Travel can be a hefty expense. But don’t let this stop you. Traveling on a budget doesn’t necessarily mean gross hostels or 40 hours transit time. If anything, traveling on a budget leaves more room for creativity and adventure. There are several ways to travel on a budget and keep costs down, both when preparing to travel and whilst you are traveling.

budget travel boat with solo female traveler

establish your budget

What is your financial limit? Before you can plan, know exactly how much you have to spend. Some destinations make traveling on a shoestring a lot more possible than others, so the first step is to establish a budget

determine your priorities

Maybe having a private room is a must instead of a hostel dorm room. Maybe your top priority is getting a scuba or yoga certification. Decide your priorities before you plan your trip, keeping in mind that when you have expensive taste in one area, you will have to sacrifice a little somewhere else. 

Be flexible with dates

The plane ticket to any destination can be one of the costliest investments when traveling. But being flexible with your dates can save you anywhere from a few dollars to a couple of hundred dollars. Consider travelling during low season when everything is cheaper. Not only will you be able to save more but you will also beat the crowds. Also, consider travelling to a smaller or non-hub airport – flights may be cheaper, but the travel may take longer.

Consider an organized tour

I have been on two Meetup Tours with The Solo Female Traveler Network. Organized tours are almost never the cheapest way to travel, afterall you are paying for stress free travel where someone else worries about logistics, research, booking, fixing things when they go wrong, and giving you those built-in friends.

BUT you will know exactly what your costs are. When you book a trip, SoFe Travel give you plenty of time to explore solo knowing they are waiting for you to come back at the end of the day. 

Look for alternate accommodation

budget travel for solo female travel

Hotels are the most popular option, but they are far from the only one. Shared accommodation is what keeps cost down. You sacrifice privacy, but you meet other travelers. Some hostels have curtains on each bunk with your own power outlet and shelf inside. These make a big difference if privacy is important to you. 

Here is a list of alternatives from low to high cost.

  • Couchsurfing – this is a global community that allows you sleep on someone’s couch free of charge by connecting travelers (like you) to people with a couch and a passion for experiencing other cultures. It’s not to be used as a cheap way to travel as much as a cultural experience that happens to be free. Bring a gift for your host and be ready to hang out with the locals. We have our own FB group connecting our members to each other purely for free accommodation.
  • Hostels – These are budget-friendly shared accommodation, which means you don’t necessarily have your own room. However, some hostels allow you to book a private space (if they provide it) but for an extra cost.
  • Airbnb – A unique concept allows you to book your accommodation in someone’s home. There are a variety of kinds of spaces to book such as a private room, an apartment, a house, a mansion, a villa, a treehouse…you name it! You can find some very affordable options with some privacy, but your options will depend on the location you are looking in.
  • Hotels – The most popular accommodation for travelers and tourists. Costs will vary depending on the establishment and the kind of space you want.

TIP: When you book your accommodation make sure you are aware of its location. Locations that are farther away from the center of cities (or outside of the larger cities) will lower the cost. If you want to be closer to the city, it will cost a bit more. Don’t forget that if you are from the center, then you will either need to do extra walking, jump on public transportation, or get taxis. Do some research on the area to see what is available and be sure it is safe and worth the money you will be saving on the hotel.

Booking activities

budget travel for women

Having a tight travel budget doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to limit your activities and experiences. Many cities provide free walking tours (just be ready to give a well-deserved tip)! It’s a great way to orient yourself to a new place and make friends especially when you are on a budget.


When it comes to keeping your own traveling costs down, public transport will always win. Become familiar with your destination’s public transportation system and taking advantage of it. Besides, Uber doesn’t exist everywhere.


Food is one of the best parts of travel, if you ask me. You don’t have to spend an arm and leg to get some delicious meals. Laksa in Malaysia. Falafel in Israel. Dumplings in Vietnam. Noodles in Thailand. All so cheap and totally delicious. Local food is the best for both enjoyment and your wallet.

  • Stay out of the tourist areas when you want to eat. It is common that in these areas the prices of anything are much higher.
  • Consider finding places to eat outside these areas.
  • Join MeetUp groups and/or Couchsurfing events. Many of these events provide food and also fantastic opportunities to meet people (travelers and locals alike).
  • Prepare your own meals. Choose accommodation with a kitchen. Visit a local grocery store and cook something nice for yourself. This will really keep costs down.
food on a budget solo female travel

Be flexible. Be creative. Be open to new experiences.

about the author

Women Solo Travel

Christine De la Fuente

Christine de la Fuente is a creative travel blogger from Los Angeles, California. She enjoys traveling the world solo just as much as she loves traveling the world in LA – “How To Travel The World Without Leaving Los Angeles”. Most of all she travels to visit historical sites, eat good food and experience festivals all around the world.


By joining our email list, you’ll be the first to know about our newest Meetup Tours, special sales and discounts, as well as ways to get involved with the largest online community for solo female travelers.